Bomb radiocarbon


Ion Beam Physics Lab with Lukas Wacker and Caroline Welte

Bomb radiocarbon dating - Laser Ablation AMS

New technology to establish bomb radiocarbon records 

Collaboration with ETH Zürich - Ion Beam Physics Laboratory

Coral records — a tapped out core of reef material — provide a timeline of ocean chemistry that can be used in many applications of marine science. My work involves the use of this record to establish what bomb-produced radiocarbon did in regional marine environments to better understand the temporal distribution of this global signal. These records can be used in age validation studies like the work I have been doing with colleagues around the world. This particular coral core was collected in 1988 by Gordon Tribble of USGS - Honolulu and I am working to apply Laser Ablation AMS to the band structure seen in the x-ray shown here. The long series of extractions were performed with New Wave Research micromilling machine (Elemental Scientific Lasers, Bozeman, MT, USA; This is a work in progress and is coming together now as a manuscript. More details will be added in near future.