
Big Island Lava!

In July 2010 my brother Brian came over for a visit and we could not have timed it better. Months before we had planned to hop over to the Big Island to see lava flows, but the lava was very far off and difficult to reach. 1 to 2 weeks before we arrived on the Big Island the flows began to show and crossed new ground. What follows are photographs of a great experience that we won’t soon forget.

© Allen Andrews

My brother Brian Andrews in front of the flow

Lava crossing the road up from Kalapana. Last year we walked out this road get to the viewing area.

Road flow...

Road flow...

This is the sign that we walked past last year getting to the viewing area.

We were lucky enough to be there when the flow was working its way through the forest...

Flow front. Very hot. Burns your skin within 5 feet of it. The coconut didn’t make it.

Branch and lava 



This crust was on the ground and was lifted in minutes by a new flow (~1200 F)

Close up of the new flow creeping out from underneath...

Me in the kipuka forest... slowly being consumed.

Coming down the pali... smoke is from vents in the lava tube.

Just above the road and looking up onto the pali/

Silvery flow field... this is really hot.

Flow front moving over recently settled ferns

Area just above the road...

Slowly advancing...

Dodder up in flames.

Flow 1

Flow 2

Flow 3

Flow 4

Buried sign at a previous entry to a viewing area.

Fisherman’s road to coast from main road...

...this path no longer exists

Looking back towards Kalapana along the older section of coast line. We came in along a fishing road near the palm. Much of this is gone now.

Looking the other direction... The flows meet the sea...

The flows meet the sea...

Flows on the edge about 50 feet from us.

Nice shot of my brother doing what he loves...

Explosive interactions

This appeared very quickly

Lava meets the sea 1

Lava meets the sea 2

Lava meets the sea 3

Lava dripping into the ocean.

Brother Brian stacking and balancing rocks


Flows on the edge about 40 feet from us

New surface flow up from where it was entering the sea

New surface flows 1

Very fresh pahoehoe

New surface flows 2

New surface flows 3

New surface flows 4

Nice to have a telephoto lens... HOT!

Looking back towards Kalapana along an older section of coast line. This entire coastline is filled in at this time from recent flows (September-December 2010).

Brain and I walked about half this delta. Yeah... epic-dumb. LavaDelta14May2010

From right near the upper end of the delta in previous aerial photo.

Keeping a watchful eye on the sea...

...blasting hot rock and steam.

Touring helicopter or maybe USGS

Looking back up the pali at the lava tube vents.

Kipuka - surviving forests in lava fields.

Sulfur deposits new ocean front.

More colorful deposits near the sea...

far end of the new Ki entry delta.

Fresh glass...

Bro Brian pokin’ the lava with a stick.

Note the flow right behind him... hot!!

It’s like an open furnace being this close...

Semi-liquid glass...

Sacrifice the stick... it was like a jet coming out of the holes.

New flows over entering an old crack with ferns.

New flow ignites all in its path.

This is the edge of a viewing area visited about 2 years prior... this mound was not there. 

Sacrifice to pele - fried pineapple and the ceremonial knife.

Flow field during our visit. HVO-May72010-FlowMap

Aerial of where we were. Perfect USGS timing for the photo. OffShore7May2010

Another well timed USGS photo. Road is as you see it in previous photos. OnShore7May2010

We walked in and around the flows from above the road to the Ki entry. HVO-May62010-FlowMap.

Arrow points to sign you can see in early photos. This was 2-3 days before we took the photos you see here.